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just look at those generous portions! LOVE obviously likes a good doorstep. all those that had two please own up.


Yeah, that's the problem (?) with C&B cake - it doesn't hold together unless it's cut in 2cm slices. Those who took two have asked to remain anonymous. Like Suzie.


I didn't realise it was somewhat in my honour. I'm very honoured. It was delicious. Can we always have cake when I come up?


Well, when she's not making cake and babies Jo's a part-time account monkey, so she's a bit of a fan of your blog. But mainly I think she just likes an excuse for making cakes. In answer to your question, I think it depends on how often you come up!

Denver MLS

Those are some huge slices, my friend. Not even a single bite left to have, must be a really good cake. I'm a bit envious. :) Cool post.

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